Anything and Everything Emergency Contraception PART 2!
If you have already read our blog, Anything and Everything Emergency Contraception, and feel like you still have some questions about what EC might be best for you, this blog is for you! We wanted to dive a bit deeper into the different kinds of EC and why someone might choose one over the other! Remember, Bridgercare offers all three of these types of EC (we even have free Plan B at our front desk 😉).
We want to be mindful and note that this blog contains discussions about Body Mass Index (BMI). We encourage you to not read further and give the clinic a call at 405-587-0681 to chat about your emergency contraception questions if this is a triggering topic for you!
Type 1: Levonorgestrel Pill
(Commonly referred to as Plan B)
Easy to use! Just take one pill within 72 hours (about 3 days) of unprotected sex.
Reduces your chance of pregnancy by 75% when used according to package instructions.
Easy to access. You can get them without a prescription at most drug stores and grocery stores.
Relatively inexpensive and sometimes covered by insurance!
Lots of different brand options at different stores (keep reading for more information!)
Levonorgestrel pills work best for people who are under a certain Body Mass Index (BMI). If your BMI is over 26, levonorgestrel will be much less effective for you.
Bridgercare does not believe that BMI is a good measure of a person’s overall health, but unfortunately that is still the way we must calculate if levonorgestrel will work for you.
Must be taken within 72 hours of the unprotected sexual encounter!
Does not prevent pregnancy from sex that occurs after the pill was taken.
Type 2: Ella
A bit longer of a timeline than levonorgestrel—5 days!
Lowers your chance of pregnancy by 85% when used according to instructions.
Works for folks with BMI greater than 26.
Typically covered by insurance!
You need a prescription from a medical provider to get Ella.
Can be tough to access in places where you can’t get a same day appointment.
Does not prevent pregnancy from sex that occurs after the pill was taken.
Does not work as well for folks with BMIs greater than 30.
Type 3: IUDs
Long lasting! 8-12 years depending which IUD you get.
99% effective at preventing pregnancy—Both as emergency contraception and as general birth control!
Multiple different IUDs (Paragard, Mirena, or Liletta) can serve as emergency contraception, so you have choices!
Work for up to 5 days after unprotected sex.
Cost typically covered by insurance.
Work for people with any BMI!
Can be expensive if you are not insured.
Bridgercare offers a sliding fee scale where fees are based on income for IUD insertions regardless of your insurance status!
Requires an appointment with a healthcare provider for IUD insertion.
Requires a minor procedure which can be painful for some patients.
Can be hard to access quickly in some places.
When Emergency Contraception Might Not Be a Good Fit
Where Can I Get Levonorgestrel Pills (Plan B)?
We have great news! Plan B is just a well-known brand name for the drug levonorgestrel and stores like CVS, Walmart, etc. often carry “off-brand” levonorgestrel pills along with Plan B! When you are looking for an emergency contraception that will have the exact same effect as Plan B, look for the ingredient “Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg”! Any morning after pill with this ingredient should work exactly the same way as Plan B as long as you follow the package instructions!
Here are some options for levonorgestrel (morning after pills) that we found are available at popular chain stores! This is not a comprehensive list of morning after pill options and what is available at the store in your city might vary. Remember that these options work best for folks with a BMI under 26!
Without further ado….
Take Action (Between $30-40 before tax)
Available at Walmart, Target, Walgreens, and on Amazon
Plan B One-Step (Between $40 and 50 before tax)
Available at Walmart, CVS, Costco (at some Costco pharmacies without a membership), Safeway, Walgreens, and Target
Fem Choice (Around $10 before tax)
Available at Walmart and on Amazon
Julie (Between $35 and $40 before tax)
Available at Walmart, CVS, and Target
Glenmark Therapeutics Emergency Contraceptive Tablet (Under $10 before tax!)
Available at Walmart
Aftera (Around $35 before tax)
Available at CVS
Your Choice (Around $50 before tax) INCLUDES PREGNANCY TEST!
Available at Walgreens