Volunteer with Bridgercare
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Bridgercare! We are so grateful that you thought of us and we can’t wait to meet you.
About Volunteering
If you want to volunteer at Bridgercare because you love Bridgercare, family planning, sex ed, helping people, being an amazing advocate in our local community, and are just generally a rock star, WE WANT YOU TOO!
Due to concerns over patient privacy and HIPAA regulations, only medical practicum students are allowed to work directly with patients. However, we do have an awesome Bridgercare Brand Ambassador program that may be a fabulous fit for you.
Basically, we ask you to come to learn all about Bridgercare, our services, family planning clinics across the state and country, abortion access, what’s going on politically, types of birth control, etc, and then you go out into the community armed with information to help both friends and strangers alike in an informal, peer to peer fashion. As an official Bridgercare Brand Ambassador in our community, you will be better able to answer questions people have and refer them to Bridgercare or our community partners. It is basically a “volunteer to learn” opportunity because knowledge is power!
You will meet once a week for a month (4 consecutive weeks). Days of the week vary, but we generally choose a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Each session will be about 2 hours long (6 -8 pm) and snacks are provided. After your 4th session, you graduate! We ask that you only sign up to be a Brand Ambassador if you can make 3 out of the 4 classes for a particular session (we do recognize that you have a life outside of Bridgercare…). We plan to offer the Brand Ambassador Program twice a year – Winter (March) and Fall (September)
Hurray! We hoped you would say yes 🙂 Please just fill out this form, and we will be in touch as soon as registration opens for the next session.
If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please email Emily at eallison@bridgercare.org. Thank you again for caring deeply about our work and our 5,000+ patients across south-central Montana!
Current Bridgercare Brand Ambassadors!
Abby Bernard; Senior Grants Specialist & Project Leader at The Dotted i
Alison Fitzpatrick; Medical Assistant & German Teacher
Althea Reichert; Student
Amy Sheppard; Development Program Manager
Anna Galindo; Financial Advisor
Anna Penny; Physician Assistant Student
Anna Wiseman; Student
Avery Amende; Student
Bella Pich; Student
Bella Winston; Currently Making a Career Change!
Bex McEachern; Student & MSU Women’s Center Staff
Carl Kuschke; Director
Chanan Brown; Attorney
Doug Badenoch; Retired
Elise Sabin; Student & Wild Joe’s Barista
Ellie D’Amico; Student
Ellie Sealey; Student
Emma Sihler; Nursing Workforce Coordinator
Erin Cebuhar; Marketing
Ethel Fogelsong; Artist
Grace Burris; Forest Service Seasonal
Hannah Cortez; Grant Writer
Heather Hart; Retired PA
Hope Murray; Lawn Care Manager
Jeanie Badenoch; Retired
Jerry Gossel; Quit Working
Jessica Lahr; Community Organizer
Jorie Hanson; Retired, Former Educator
Josh Meyer; Educator & Researcher
Kari Hyyppa; Healthcare Marketing
Katherine Holmes: Owner/Job Coach at North Star Careers
Keira Stringer; Registered Nurse
Kevin Hinkle; Real Estate Professional
Kim Keene; HR Consultant
Laura Cunningham
Lauren Grover: Mental Health Counselor
Lisa Stoeffler; Retired from US Forest Service
Lucy Shannon; Head of Content and Research at MDGuidelines
Maggie Baker; Law Student
Marilynn Miller; Retired
Marissa Herweg; Emergency Department Technician
Maya Gortzsche; Bookseller at the Country Bookshelf
Meriwether Schroeer-Smith; Artist
Michael Rizzo; Senior Research Associate, Victim Services and Support
Mikaela Byers; Health Educator at HIV Alliance & Board Member at the Northwest Abortion Access Fund
Oliver Cole; Student & EMT
Paige O’Toole; Physician Assistant Student
PJ Diamond; Business Development Consultant at PIE & Independent DEI Facilitator and Consultant
Rachel Buchner; Certified Paralegal
Rachel Klein; Nurse Practitioner
Rachel Ormsbee; MSU Student
Rachel Temme; Medical Student
Sara Day; Real Estate Agent
Sas Weber; Farmer
Scott Rosenzweig; Satellite Communications Executive
Sonja Singelstad; Genetic Counseling Grad Student
Stathia Katsoulis; Student & Server
Steph Fouts; Outdoor Industry Analyst
Vanessa Stevens; Registered Nurse