Patient Portal
A secure way to access your chart.
To enroll, you can sign up at your appointment or visit us during business hours to receive a token. To protect your records, we will need your signature and photo ID.
Patient Portal FAQ
SIGN UP WITH A TOKEN – You can also stop by our office to enroll during business hours. (We'll need your signature and ID.)
If you are new to NextMD, complete your enrollment by following these steps:
1. Go to NextMD: www.nextmd.com/enroll and accept the terms and conditions.
2. Enter the enrollment token number given to you by Bridgercare, your date of birth and last name, and the email address on file with us.
3. Choose a username and password.
4. Choose a Login Security Question from the list and provide your answer for this question.
5. Set up NextMD’s secure password reset feature. NextMD will ask you to select a question and provide an answer to it. If you forget your password, you will have to answer this question again to reset it.
You can add Bridgercare by following these steps:
1. Go to NextMD: www.nextmd.com
2. Login to the NextMD website using your existing username and password.
3. From the Menu on the left, under My Account, click the Manage Practices link to go to the multiple practice enrollment page.
4. Enter your enrollment token from Bridgercare and your email address.
The homepage has a summary of Bridgercare’s contact information and medication history (once requested). You can also use the tabs on the navigation bar at the top of the page, as detailed below. On mobile devices, the navigation bar is at the bottom.
To view records, medication history, and lab results, click on My Chart. You will need to “Request Record” to download your records to the Portal. You will need to do this anytime you have new information to download. Please note that labs may take a week after your appointment to be available for download.
Copies of billing statements we have mailed to you are available under the Payments tab. Our statements are generated at the beginning of each month. Dates prior to Patient Portal creation aren't available online. Payment can be made over the phone, by mail, or in person. To ensure your balance reflects any discounts you qualify for, we advise against using insurance portals to make payments on your account.
You can adjust Portal account settings and notifications in the Settings tab. Please note that updating contact information in Patient Portal does not update your information in your Bridgercare chart. If your contact information has changed, please call or message us to update this information.