Our Commitment to Antiracism
Bridgercare knows that throughout our 50-year history, the needs of our local Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities have rarely, if ever, been the focus of our mission. Further, we are all too aware of the injustices and atrocities committed against BIPOC communities through the development of the field of medicine which we practice today. In the face of these bitter truths, Bridgercare is committed to an organization-wide ongoing effort to educate ourselves and embody all that it takes to be an antiracist organization and to recognize the intersecting identities represented in the communities that we serve. We recognize this is a never-ending journey and that we will make mistakes along the way, but we promise to take feedback in stride and continue to work to be an organization that feels safe and open to all. Below are some of the actions we are taking in our efforts to be a truly antiracist organization.
Equity and Accountability Committee.
In 2021, Bridgercare took action to ensure that BIPOC voices in our community would have a significant role in shaping the mission and growth of our clinic. We are incredibly grateful to have an Equity and Accountability Committee of local community members to direct Bridgercare’s leadership on how to build a safer, more just space.
Staff-wide antiracism trainings.
All Bridgercare staff and interns take a 10-hour antiracism online training from the Diversity and Resiliency Institute of El Paso. Alongside the training module, staff work on reflection and discussion questions, which they then review and discuss together. These conversations are continued on a monthly basis during staff meetings where we share and discuss topics like characteristics of white supremacy and how to operate differently, intersectionality, power-hoarding, and more.
Additionally, staff complete annual antiracism trainings that regularly shift in focus and content.
Breaking down language barriers.
Bridgercare has taken action to reduce the language barriers that exist in our growing community. These actions include contracting a part-time medical interpreter and investing in translation technology to assist our front desk staff. Additionally, we are very lucky to have a provider with fluency in Spanish to serve our limited-English proficiency patients.
Honoring Native Communities
Bridgercare is located on the ancestral and unceded homelands of the Blackfeet, Crow, Flathead, Fort Belknap, Fort Peck, Northern Cheyenne and Rocky Boy Reservations, as well as the Little Shell Chippewa people.
We acknowledge the land in an effort to bring attention to what has been intentionally buried - centuries of genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced removal, and stolen land. Honoring this truth is critical to building mutual respect and connection. It is important to understand the longstanding history that has brought all of us to reside on this land, and to seek to understand our place within that history. It is important to also recognize that land acknowledgements are not just a recognition of what has passed - colonialism is a current, ongoing process.
Today, the Indigenous peoples of this land continue to celebrate their heritage, contribute to the larger community in Montana, and preserve and protect the resources of this land. They show resilience and tenacity that would be admired by their ancestors.
We recognize that land acknowledgments are only one small part of supporting Indigenous communities. This acknowledgement does not take the place of authentic relationships with Indigenous peoples - but serves as a step in honoring the people and ancestors whose land we occupy - because despite centuries of colonial theft and violence, this is still Indigenous land. It will always be Indigenous land.
We need to protect and honor the history and people of these places. We hope you will stand with us in solidarity with Indigenous peoples.
Solidarity can look like:
Donating time and money to Indigenous-led organizations
Amplifying the voices of Indigenous people leading grassroots change movements
Consider giving to organizations that advocate for BIPOC communities across Montana and the Northwest
Please also take a moment to read about the Indigenous people of Montana.
Equity and Accountability Committee
Questions for the Bridgercare Equity and Accountability Committee? Feedback? Let us know!
We are eager for any and all feedback in our ongoing mission to become a truly antiracist organization. If you have any questions, suggestions, or general feedback, please drop us a line! Feel free to leave the name and email fields blank if you’d prefer your note remain anonymous.